Location map products
Location maps cover a range of products from A4 maps for a business meeting down to detailed 2D or 3D site plans for the likes of universities, schools or colleges open-days.
Location maps
First impressions count and Business Maps range of A4 location maps, A5 location maps and compliment slip maps will give your visitors the best possible first impression. That's why you have dedicated time and money to getting your corporate identity right. But for your visitors, their first journey to your premises IS their first impression. Doesn't it make sense to start winning them over with and easy-to-follow location map ? before you even meet?
Our location maps are always supplied as a PDF document with any other format you may need (JPG, TIFF, EPS) at no extra cost. This way it can be easily attached to an email, or displayed on your web site contact page.
The price of a fully customised A4 location map of a location is typically £100 to £200 depending on your exact location and the number locations you require maps for.
Locator maps
Locator map are very much related to commercial locations like stores, hotels or restaurants, when your visitors know your area but need to pinpoint exactly where you are in relation to a motorway junction, a business or industrial park, a train or tube station. Locator maps are used primarily on web sites contact pages and increasingly in direct marketing: mailers, flyers, brochures, invitations and even business cards.
Typically £50 to £75 locator maps are a marketing tool you can't afford not to have.
Site plans and floor plans
The main purpose of our site plans is to offer local orientation in the most user friendly way. Business Maps have designed way finding plans for universities, colleges, schools and business parks across the UK. A 2D and 3D site plan will showcase your site with your own branding or corporate style so it is integrated with the rest of your marketing materials. Universities and schools open days, trade shows, conferences will all benefit from an up-to-date user friendly site plan.
Our site plans can be designed at any size from A5/A4 up to large mounted posters for display in your reception area or at the entrance of your campus or business park.
The amount of time lost trying to find your bearings in on a university or college campus is perfectly avoidable. Existing plans are often technical architect drawings designed for different purposes, where as Business Maps campus plans are designed to help your visitors get where they need trouble free and on-time.
Town and area maps
Town and area maps come in many shapes or form from exhaustive town plans with street indexes down to local area maps for community information needs. Area maps cover country maps, town centre maps, sales territory maps and delivery zone maps.
A very popular example of our area maps are children's centres reach area maps pointing new parents to local resources in their area such as schools, nurseries , public halls, playgrounds and any other venues.
A more commercial example is our shopping plans referencing each and every shop and business by category in an easy to follow colour coded plan. These are used as large posters displayed at key locations in the town centre.